-Planted with Purpose-

In the season I am in, the word purpose has been hidden in different places from the pages of books, podcast sermons, late-night conversations, and 2 AM thoughts. My biggest question lately has been – what is my God-given purpose?

After graduating from college last year, it threw me into a future I wasn’t fully prepared for. I spent four year involved in many creative projects, community-based activities, and continuous studying and now that it’s all over, I still have no idea what I want to do.

Growing up I’ve always been someone that had my heart and time invested in a diverse amount of projects and activities. From music, writing, dancing, photography, fashion, event planning, health, and the list goes on. From all these different interests, I never felt like I had that one thing, one dream, and one vision over my life where I knew “wow this is what I was created for.” Right now, I am working a job that is exactly in the field I studied for all those years, yet something seems to be missing. The closer I have grown in my faith and relationship with God, the more I realized how important it is that He is at the center of all I do and all I am. In the past, I never really sought His will over my life and future. Where I am now, doesn’t seem like it’s where I’m meant to stay.

I think we are all yearning for a life of purpose and impact. A life where we know that we are walking the path that was always meant for us. Some things I constantly try and remember is that… I have not missed out on what God has for me. There is a purpose with good works that I’ve been predestined for. I don’t have to have my future all figured out in one day because God is guiding me all along the way.

In this season, a season of reflection and trying to figure out what is next for my life. I have learned to be still, steady, and surrender all the hopes I have for myself. I am learning how to surrender my doubts, fears, insecurities, and constant need for control every day. I know that His desires, ways, and plans are higher and greater than anything I can possibly imagine. Surrendering is an everyday battle that doesn’t come naturally, but it is one that allows us to fully experience God’s love, power, and grace.

No matter what season you are in, I want you to know that you are planted there for a reason. The reason may not be clear today or even a year from now, but in every season we are in, there is purpose. You were made for something bigger than yourself. All your unique qualities, gifts, and story were placed inside of you, not for no reason, but because with them you will be able to contribute to this world in the way that is meant for you. Trust that there is power in you gifts and story. Believe that there are many purposes God has planted in your heart that will lead to the joy, fulfillment, and peace you are seeking.

I still have no idea what my next step is towards figuring out my career path and everything else in between. There are still many questions I have and different avenues I can see myself taking that I have been praying about and that is okay. I am where I am right now and try every day to shift my focus above and more on what is already happening today. Although I don’t know, God does. I can be faithful and find the joy and purpose with where I am in this season, as I question and intentionally seek what lies ahead.

For the one in a season of transition:

in questioning your hopes and future
the urgency of life may be circling your mind
the reality of being a human in this dark world 
can be a lot to accept sometimes 
but thankfully this place isn’t where you will be forever
you are in the in-between
of making peace with who you are
while dreaming of all you can be
knowing that you must surrender
while fighting every day to fully trust your creator
seeing the world for what it really is
while still believing that because of grace
there is hope and joy to be found
may you find love
through all the unknowns
and look above
you look at what is waiting before you
there are days when you may question
if you are special too and
worthy of living a life of abundance
like those you admire
you may question what is it
you have to offer
or if you have anything worth offering at all
trust that through it all
you are chosen
you are capable
you have a purpose
i hope you know that you haven’t missed
what God has for you
in the waiting
in this season of transition
you are allowed to be at peace
you are allowed to let yourself dream
you are allowed to be frustrated
you are allowed to be grateful
all while you seek, surrender, and find stillness
where you are
it is okay
to want more
to dream more
to do more
from your life and yourself
with more comes a greater need for Jesus
seeking him more
talking to him more
trusting him more
you are planted in purpose
to be pruned, tended, and molded
to be ready for all
that is to come
even if it doesn’t feel like it
you are where you are
for a reason – Ashley Rose

About the Writer

Ashley Rose

Hey, I’m Ashley Rose! I’m a 22-year-old woman whose heart is full of love for Jesus, thoughtful words, uplifting communities, and sustainable fashion. As a recent FGCU Community Health grad, I now work for a local healthcare system as a Youth Counselor. I teach mental health/drug prevention education throughout the county schools as well as lead parent support groups. As a ministry leader, I minister to young women to help build confidence, vision, and faith. My mission is to encourage others to find goodness and grace in all aspects of their lives, including the darkest. This is what I strive to compass in my own life and what I hope to inspire in others through my writing.