

Hey guys! Long time no type.. I wanted to write this post just to chat with my girlies (and boys if you like reading these) about obedience real quick. Let me tell you, one of the scariest things about being a Christian is being obedient to God’s calling. I have to be honest with you, one thing I’m absolutely terrified of is saying yes to God but not because of what you think. One major thing…

– Alternate Reality –

Alright.. I’m back. I’m totally struggling dude! I keep falling back into the same hole over and over. I see someone I look up to and try to become them. I do this with the smallest things. For example, I saw a phone case Kristin Johns had and I wanted it, not because I liked it but because I see her with it and I subconsciously want to be like her. Now, don’t confuse…


I feel like every post I’ve written, since this year has started, has something to do with how crazy 2020 has been. With all this insanity swirling around I tend to forget how big this year is for me and so many others. I am a 2020 graduate. Yup, you read that right. One of the most transitional years of my life has consisted of a crazy pandemic, rioting and so much uncertainty. Given, I have been uncertain…

-Planted with Purpose-

In the season I am in, the word purpose has been hidden in different places from the pages of books, podcast sermons, late-night conversations, and 2 AM thoughts. My biggest question lately has been – what is my God-given purpose? After graduating from college last year, it threw me into a future I wasn’t fully prepared for. I spent four year involved in many creative projects, community-based activities, and continuous studying and now that it’s…

– With a Purpose –

It’s about that time that I experience something with weight that I can write about to help people who may be experiencing the same problems. With Miss Rona around, people are losing their jobs, their family, their fellowship time, and so much more. So this post is a message for Rona herself… Unfortunately, Miss Rona, no one really likes you. Out of spite, I’d blame you for my feeling of lacking purpose in this season. You have…

-Life Update: Spring 2020-

Ahhhh, quarantine… Nothing better than a nice virus to kick off this year’s spring season, am I right? In all seriousness, how is this whole quarantine time treating you? DM me, I’d love to hear about it! But anyway, the last time I wrote was March 7th, those were simpler times. Since then, my job was put on hold, the church was moved to online, I purchased a few things I can’t use…


Alright, guys… I’m going to be totally honest with you; I often feel so uninspired. Not like the “eh, I’m not feeling this topic” kind of uninspired, but the, “eh, I’m not feeling up to working hard to get to where I want because I’m not seeing the results I want now,” kind of uninspired. Man, am I feeling that right now. Having high expectations for everything…

-Passion 2020-

Okay, I know this is way overdue… but I am here to spill the tea about PASSION 2020!! The Tea For those of you who don’t know what the Passion conferences are, Passion is a Christian young adult gathering where you worship together and listen to amazing speakers talk about God! It was so spiritually fulfilling! For 2020 we counted down to midnight and celebrated the new year at the Mercedes-Stadium which is where it was…

– Figment of Imagination –

I wrote this about two nights ago after getting some inspiration and I feel like I should share it 🙂 It’s currently very deep into the night, but I’ve had a burst of inspiration. I’m not sure where I’m going with this to be completely honest, but I’m going to let the Lord search me and type for me. For a lack of better words, this has been an interesting year. Going into 2019, I knew…

– Ripples –

You’re probably wondering, “what on earth is this picture.” Well, this is a picture of my pool. Fancy, I know; but, I’m not using it in that context. Rather, I’m using this picture to visualize a ripple effect. If you look closely, you’ll see tiny ripples in the water. Those little ripples are merely caused by small drops of rain sent down from Heaven to nurture God’s creation…