-Unlikely but Possible-

 Many things inspired me to start this blog. You can say I’m the type of person to see someone do something cool and instantaneously want to do it too. I have a few people around me who have a blog and I always loved the idea of having one. Yet, I was never brave enough nor was I committed enough to even create the website let alone keep up with it. Given, every time I would have the brilliant idea of how fun a blog would be I would be in school bored out of my mind. When I started really living my blessed life and growing in my faith at the age of 12, I recognized that people always ran to me when they needed help. Being raised in my family I came to see why we were known as “clutch,” or in simpler terms, the Moms and Dads of the group.  If my friend needed something, to them, it seemed like it would miraculously appear in my purse or car, when in reality my mindset is, “unlikely but possible.” For example, it would be unlikely my friend would ask me for a makeup removing wipe, yet very possible, so I keep one with me anyway. Having a mindset like that can prepare you for just about anything! So I wanted to start this blog to be your Mom of the group and have everything you’ll ever need right here at the click of a button. In other posts I would love to dive deeper into how this mindset has helped me through some tough situations but in today’s post I’ll leave you with a simple truth: When you leave your house and head into war it is unlikely you’ll be spiritually attacked but oh so possible, so don’t forget your armor. -A

About the Writer


Hi there! I’m Angelina, the creator of LMBL. After years of always asking what people see me as and taking personality and spiritual gifts quizzes, I have come to realize my passion for singing and helping others through my stories by writing and content creating! Living My Blessed Life was created as my platform to share my projects in the hopes of reaching the one life that needs encouragement in their walk with Jesus. Whether it be by listening to my podcast, Celestial, or by reading a devotional here and spending time with Him, my goal as the creator is to bring joy into my viewer’s lives and to share my journey through achieving my life’s aspirations with you by my side!